Monday 9 May 2011

The Evaluation

How did my media product progress
     The music magazine I created for my media product was improved and developed through out the process. This was achieved by the step-by-step growth in knowledge about the computer programme Photoshop which is used in the real world to create conventional magazine products. There were many tools, which I learned to use on Photoshop in order to aid my product in looking realistic to its target audience. My product challenges forms in other magazines simply by its effort to be conventional but also original and unique. In all I have designed a music magazine based upon modern day conventional type of structure. The Magazine is a combination of my own ideas along with ideas from similar genre music magazines and my own carried out audience research.
My target audence    
     My magazine was especially designed to represent the target audience and social group it’s aimed at this was done so that it would appeal to them in order to make the product sell if it were on the market. From my own tastes I decided to create a punk rock magazine and added in my own Ideas, which challenge other similar products. The target audience I chose to base the products on is sixteen to eighteen year olds initially; however after I conducted some audience research I found that an advantage of capturing a wider audience would be to select the target audience of sixteen to twenty.

The Price   
     The price that is on my magazine is based upon a figure that I gained from a more research on my target audience on what they would pay for a weekly music magazine. Questionnaires were used in which I asked the question, “what price would you be willing to pay for a weekly music magazine” the majority of the replies I got to this question were 3 pounds to 3 pounds 50 pence. This would make my magazine at a price advantage with its competitors because it is a lower price. Also this price range represents the type of money that sixteen to twenty year olds would certainly be able to afford given that they were interested in the content based on social group.
Rivalry and distribution    
     My magazine would be marketed through advertising and distributed by shops and outlets appearing next to its main competitor; KERRANG. This increases the chances of my product being picked up by the target audience. As it is similar to KERRANG whilst individual and it is cheaper. My product could have an online version so that it is technologically integrated, a reason for doing this is that the age rage of my target audience will have Internet access and in modern times this Internet has become part of everyone’s life.
Target audence and gender stereotypes    

     The main audience for my magazine would be sixteen to twenty year olds; I have decided to use this age range because it appears to be the ages of which people will be more willing to spend money on a magazine of this type. It is typically men who will continue to buy music magazines after this age; this is the reason that most music magazines contain related stories that would attract males in to buying the product and are also designed to appeal to men rather than woman.
Ideas on attraction    
     The main way I have attracted my audience in to buying my media product is down to its content, which ultimately in my opinion sells the product. Conventionally magazines use text and image on the front cover to attract the consumer; I have done exactly this but its content of Course is designed to appeal to my target social group as well as my target age range.
How my use of media logical technology has progressed     
     Within the magazine structure I was able to design and create with the aid of the media logical programme Photoshop, a front cover, contents page and a main article which was based upon a familiar story with my own take upon it and my own idea for a character that fitted this story. I had to learn to use the different tools on the programme as well as working cameras in order to take my own images, which are included in my finished product. Once I had been able to experiment with different colours and back ground I was also able to make my magazine individual in appearance. Being able to use the technologies involved with the design of media products such as magazines allows you to make a product, which follows conventions and looks realistic.

The front cover    
     The front cover of any magazine is seen as the 'thing' that sells the magazine and in my own creation I think this would also be the case. The mast head is big and has its unique font style and various effects applied to it in order to make it stand out should it be placed on a self along with some of its main competitors including Kerrang; which is the main style model I used when designing my own making the two very similar.
     There are many stories appearing along side the main feature article, all of which I felt would be covered by my magazine and deffinatly be of interest to my target audience. Added extras such as poster give a ways and the top tunes to down load as well as reviews are often seen on the front cover of music magazines and so I felt it was important and some what of a convention to present these in my own magazine also. The colour scheme which you see on the front of the magazine is also another very important convention in that some magazines are recognised by this. The three colours that I choose to use were Red, Yellow and Black however later on you see some white and rarely see the other colours after that.

     The imagery on the background of the front cover is of the main character featured in the main article. The image is centred in order to show it’s important. A smaller image is shown at the midleft of the page this image is related to another story in the magazine. Text surrounds the main image along with the added extras; at the top of the page a black thin box contains three necessary features on any real magazine, the price, the date and a barcode.

Mast head title    
     The magazines title 'Sound Sphere' was one of two chooses I came up with. After conducting some audience research on which name was best but also which font was best the results showed a large number preferred my chosen font by also my chosen name.

The end result    
     From the progression of creating the school magazine to creating my final media product I feel that I have progressed both in the skills and know how to create a conventional unique individual interpretation of a real product. In the primary task I learned how to apply various effects to a page on photoshop as well as add images and change fonts and colours and understand how to present the magazine in the conventional way.

The results

The results from the audience research showed that out of the thirty people; within the target age group that I surveyed, twenty seven preferred it and said they would buy it. Whilst three disliked it and said they wouldn’t buy it.

Friday 15 April 2011

Audience Reserch

This is the questionaire i gave out again to the target audence in order to get their opinions on the work i had done on my magazine.

David Smith-Rice-Oxley

Sound Sphere Magazine Questionnaire

What feature attracts you about the front cover of the magazine?

Do you like the colour scheme? Circle…
Yes / No 

Do you thing the layout of the front cover looks conventional to other similar music magazines?

Why do you think this?

Does the imagery look realistic?

What would you suggest to improve about the front cover?

Does the contents page follow the same pattern in terms of house style with the front cover?

Suggest one thing you would change about the content page?

Could you tell the difference between the main article and a real music magazine article in the same genre?

What do you think about the lay out of the main article?

The Main Article

This is the text page of the main article which i wrote myself by comming up with an idea of a story and a character who would fit.

The story behind the character is designed to match with the type of story that I wrote for my main article, and in the bottom right corner is a repeat of the logo once again showing that this story is from the same magazine. The dark red colour has also been repeated on the background of this page and the white text stands out the audience.

The Main Article

After doing some changes and writting and photoshooting my main artical i came up with this.
The image is the same photograph used on the front cover in order to relate back and show that the character is the same person. The reason I choose to a whole page for my image was because this had been done in a few articles I looked at and also there would have been no room for the text on this page. The colour on the other page is the main colour out of the three that I choose my magazine to be related to and matches with that of the text on the content page.

The Main Article

The main article was something that i hadnt done for the school magazine and so i had to use style models from other similar music magazines such as Kerrang to gain ideas. This is the plan i came up with however i later decided to change it for a more conventional look.

The Contents Page

This is my finished contents page which has been slightly altered from what id planned to do. Once again it continues with the same stories and includes some self taken photographs of three different models placed in a hierarchy position so that the main article story is at the top, I have continued the font types also on this page to show that its from the same magazine. There are also extras such as the top tunes to download; this is something that you may typically find in a music magazine.

The Contents Page

This is the plan i cane up with for my contents page, however when creating my actual page i chaged the design slightly in order to make it match more with the
finished front cover.

The Front Cover

This is what i ended up with after i had taken my photographs and experimented with differnt fonts and story lines that i think would be likly to appear in my music magazine. Every deatail that you see on the front cover is a reflection of how the rest on the magazine should be. the stories are ones which i think would appear inside as well as this the price is also somthing i could see the magazine being priced at, however this price was also based on the reponce i got from my audence reserch when i asked the question ''how much would you be willing to pay for a weekly music magazine'' the majority of the people i asked said around the £3-3.50 mark.

The Front Cover

After conducting some audience research on my target audience I now was more aware of what I wanted to create, this was my original plan of the front cover of my magazine.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Music Magazine Questionnaire


·       What’s your favourite music genre?

·       Would you buy a weekly music magazine?

·       Are you attracted by the imagery in a magazine?

·       What is the deciding factor when you buy a magazine?

·       Do you enjoy reading about a particular artist?

·       Do you like to read about other artists in the same genre?

·       Are you interested in everything about your favourite artist?

     I handed this questionaire out for member of the target audence to answer in order to get some background knowlege on the above questions.

The Naming

I experimented with different names for my magazine which I felt reflected the genre of punk rock, after consideration I decided on the name ‘Sound Sphere’or 'Ink'

I then designed some font and style types that I liked and got the target audience (16-20) year olds to vote on their favourite.

Here are some comments i got when i showed three people my designs

''i like the middle right design because it looks musicy''

''i like the the bottom left design because it stands out on the page''

''i like the bottom right design because it looks metalic and like somthing ive seen on another magazine''

The Front Cover

I used this self-taken image of another model in order to create an insight in to other stories that could be included with in my magazine.

Front Cover Background

This is one of many similar photographs that were taken of the model in order to be used for the front cover of my music magazine. The reason I choose this photo over others is down to the pose and also the background, the clothes stand out and are also contrasting with the three main colours I choose my magazine to contain as a theme.

The Music Magazine

After analysing a front cover of Kerrang magazine and Q magazine I identified various features and layouts, which are particular to the genre of music that these magazines report on. For my own magazine I conducted some audience research on which music magazine was most popular among my classmates. The conclusion of which was Kerrang magazine, this became the basis of my own magazine.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Q Magazine analysis

The front cover of the magazine depicts the back ground as 100 % image of Madonna based largely down the right hand side with part of her head covering in the magazine title Q .this is a typical convention of well known music magazine and the reason they can afford to have part of the title covered is because they’re so well known to their target readers.  Madonna is shown to be looking at the camera lens with her mouth part open and face part covered creating a shadow effect, this deploys to the reader connotations of sexual appeal and the fact her eyes appear the shine brightly as she looks out ward towards the lens as though she is making contact with the reader.
The front cover also has layered text on top of the image colourer in red and white which stands out from the dork clothes Madonna is wearing this allows the reader to glance at the cover to see if there’s anything they want to read which will make them buy the magazine.

Kerrang Magazine Analysis

The front cover of Kerrang magazine ,like any other uses an image of the featured article to immediately appeal to their reader ,an advantage of doing this which helps to sell the magazine is that upon glancing over it people will know whether they like the content. Like Q, kerrang is well established, so it allows it the right to be able to cover up part of the title and still be recognised by its audience.
The bold angled font stands out depicting that the image is of the band You me at six, at the bottom other images show other articles that are featured in the magazine further attracting more people to buy it.
All in all the features of the kerrang tend to stay the same week on week except that the content of the magazine changes ,this is what makes it recognisable to the audience and recognised as an icon in the music media world.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

My Music Magazine

Continuing on from the school magazine i am aiming to create a music magazine with an indervidual style which follows all the typlical conventions of a real magazine; in particular a music magazine.

By creating a Front cover, Contents page and a main feature artical i hope to be able to show these conventions and experiment with differnt features in order to create a realistic product which can be compaired in high standard to big names such as Kerrang, NME and Q magazine.
This is the contents page that i created for my school magazine, again the purpose of this was to experimant with differnt font types, backgrounds and images in order to keep to the same style as the front cover.

The contents page along with the front cover use self taken images as well. The way in which the camara is positioned in each photo containing a person makes sure that the model makes eye contact with the camara thus making contact with the reader. The shot of the inside of the school building is designed in order to fit as much in to the lens as possible in order to show off the finished newly built school interior. the reson the text and images are presented as a slanted would be my personal decision on the style of the magazine and also various house styles i have seen in the past.

The back ground color reflects the bright in your face style i wanted to create but is also along with the actual contents page text reflectant of the schools colors.

In order to practice and get to grips with the conventions of a magazine, i first created a school magazine in order to display and try out differnt tecneques which i could later use in my music magazine.

This is my front cover which displays the model in centre focus with the the main story dominating the centre width of the page. Other sub-heads and images appear arround the sides as they would in a real magazine.

In terms of conventional deatails i decided to include the school logo located at the bottom right of the page along with a bar code; these are features to a magazine which we would naturally expect to be included depending on the type of magazine.

I also decided to include a web-adress under the magazine name, i chose to do this because it links in with the school but also to show that the magazine is tecnolgically intergrated and could possibly have an online version of its self.

Monday 28 March 2011

The purpose of creating this blog is to keep a valid account of the work i am doing for a-level media studies.

For the first task we split in to groups in order to obtain photgraphs to later become the main part of our indervidual creation for a school magazine.

Each group took their own photos positioned and shot how ever and where ever we wanted depending on the type of photos we wanted in our magazine.

There were various problems that we encountered while taking the photos ,such as the positioning of the subjects within shot and the areas the photos were going to be taken in. Due to conditions in school beond our control such as lower school pupils sitting exams ,we were restricted in most places with in the new school facillities where we had originally planned to shoot.
There was also a limmited amount of time in which we had to collect the main body of photos that we wanted to appear in the magazine and therefore we had to overcome problems fairly quickly in the photoshooting stages of the project.